MPM'11 Steering Committee Pieter J. Mosterman, The MathWorks Inc. Hans Vangheluwe, University of Antwerp and McGill University Gabor Karsai, Vanderbilt University Tihamér Levendovszky, Vanderbilt University Juan de Lara, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid MPM'11 Program Committee Arnaud Cuccuru, CEA LIST Bernhard Westfechtel, University of Bayreuth Bruno Barroca, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Chris Paredis, Georgia Tech Christophe Jacquet, Supélec Didier Buchs, University of Geneva Dirk Deridder, Smals Esther Guerra, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Eugene Syriani, University of Alabama Franck Fleurey, SINTEF Frédéric Boulanger, Supélec Gergely Mezei, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hessam Sarjoughian, Arizona State University Holger Giese, Hasso-Plattner-Institut Jeff Gray, University of Alabama Jeroen Voeten, Eindhoven University of Technology Jonathan Sprinkle, University of Arizona Kirstie L. Bellman, The Aerospace Corporation Laurent Safa, Silver Egg Technology Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology Mark Minas, University of the Federal Armed Forces Martin Toerngren, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Matteo Risoldi, University of Geneva Pieter van Gorp, Eindhoven University of Technology Stefan Van Baelen, K.U. Leuven Steve Hostettler, University of Geneva Thomas Feng, LinkedIn Thomas Kühne, Victoria University of Wellington |