For language engineering the specific areas of interests include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- concepts for multiple paradigm composition
- results or analysis of existing multi-paradigm approaches
- generic techniques needed to reason about compositionality
- scalable composition
For tool engineering, the following incomplete list of topics applies:
- concepts for tool support of multi-paradigm modeling
- language engineering constructs in tools with respect to compositionality
- descriptions of tools for multi-paradigm modeling
In addition, we request descriptions of existing tools for multi-paradigm modeling. The description should follow a catalogue of requirements:
- Metamodeling: root metamodel and the used instantiation relation(s)
- Support for concrete syntax
- Executability
- Support for code generation
- Transformation features: modularity, textual or visual specification, execution control
- Traceability
- Features for model composition in different formalisms at the syntax and semantics level